Bush Bite Series: What does the 2020-2021 Federal Budget mean for investors?
KnowHow founder Bushy Martin says the 2020-2021 Australian Federal Budget provides a number of opportunities to boost spending and open up property investment potential.
KnowHow founder Bushy Martin says the 2020-2021 Australian Federal Budget provides a number of opportunities to boost spending and open up property investment potential.
KnowHow founder Bushy Martin says there are huge opportunities ahead for Australia’s property market, despite media hype and hysteria.
KnowHow founder Bushy Martin says those who are relying on the JobKeeper scheme as their source of income will face a number of challenges.
KnowHow Founder Bushy Martin says we need to remain optimistic, ‘spend to mend, save to pave, and invest the rest’ to reverse the current recession in Australia.
Ready to run out and fix your home loan? Cover these key considerations first, says KnowHow founder Bushy Martin.
KnowHow founder Bushy Martin says you need to consider your situation and weigh up the true cost benefit to decide whether or not you should fix your home loans.
There are key qualities which separate those who survive and those who thrive in tough times, says KnowHow founder Bushy Martin.
Is your life on hold, or are you positioned ready to advance?
While pressing pause on mortgage repayments is tempting when times are tough, KnowHow founder Bushy Martin says there are safer ways to ease financial pressure.
KnowHow founder Bushy Martin says it is time to stop saying, listening to and reading about ‘the c-word’.