Bush Bite Live: Negotiating property part 3- Levelling The Playing Field & Cash is King
Cash is king. How getting your finances in order helps you at the negotiation table.
Cash is king. How getting your finances in order helps you at the negotiation table.
Joining host Bushy Martin on this week’s episode of Realty Talk is Goose McGrath of Dashdot Buyers Agents and Adelaide local Scott McPharlin from Magain Real Estate for a timely discussion around the current property market.
On this week’s live Bush Bite, how mirroring and labelling can help you negotiate your way to a successful property deal.
This week on Realty Talk host Bushy Martin and our guests discuss everything from indecision in the property market arising from Covid lockdowns to investing in commercial property and why one of our guests Brett Birkill chose Melbourne as the location to develop townhouses. Other guests on today’s show include buyers agents Lachlan Vidler and Steve Palise.
If you want to have success in a booming property market, or in just about every other circumstance that life throws at you, knowing how to negotiate is key.
On this week’s Episode of Realty Talk, host Bushy Martin talks to entrepreneur-turned-property-investor Brett Birkill, founder of Prime Mover Workwear about his fascinating business journey, as well as Josh Masters who shares timely wisdom about how investors like you and I can use data trends to make informed, long term, investment decisions.
In this episode we about why your credit report is so important to your property investment plan, and what you can do about it.
Joining us on Realty Talk for the second week in a row is Kevin Brogan of Herron Todd White who takes us through what a lazy $700k can buy you in today’s rapidly rising market around Australia. We are also joined on this episode by Jordan de Jong from Gameplans and Goose McGrath from Dashdot Buyer’s Agents to talk with host Bushy Martin around clarifying your property strategy and accelerating your portfolio.
While most savvy investors don’t like to let go of their properties, is now the time to cut ties with your under performers?
Loaded with insightful content on the current state of the property marketing in Australia is this week’s episode of Realty Talk. Our host, KnowHow’s Bushy Martin interviews expert guests including Kevin Brogan of Herron Todd White, Lachlan Vidler from The Atlas Group Buyers Agents and Marcus Roberts from Brighter Finance. Topics of discussion range from the impact of ‘behavioural fatigue’ on the property market, the rapid rise in home values and the implications thereof, and other timely property insights with a few words of warning.