How to get free with financial autonomy
Financial planning expert Paul Benson says you can live your best life now with the freedom of choice that comes from financial autonomy.
Financial planning expert Paul Benson says you can live your best life now with the freedom of choice that comes from financial autonomy.
Anything you decide to invest in, and the way you invest in it, needs to satisfy this criteria: it must be simple and easy, time-effective, low-cost and high-growth – meaning you just need to pick investment vehicles that tick these boxes and the job’s done!
With record low interest rates and financial incentives encouraging people to purchase property, you might be pondering whether to build a new home or buy an established property and renovate.
On top of all the financial incentives to buy property now, and with interest rates at record lows and likely to stay that way for a while, choosing whether to buy new or buy an established home and renovate is a big decision, especially for first home buyers.
Being frugal can help grow your wealth and secure investments without sacrificing your dream lifestyle, says Serina Bird.
Jason McIntosh is the creator of Motion Trader — an online advisory service for retail investors and SMSFs.
Is there a massive tidal wave behind the almost 1 million loans deferrals that happened during COVID?
Today’s episode aims to give you more food for thought on how to think, reduce your risk and identify emerging opportunities.
KnowHow founder Bushy Martin says the 2020-2021 Australian Federal Budget provides a number of opportunities to boost spending and open up property investment potential.
COVID-19 has impacted insurance policies for landlords. Sharon Fox-Slater, MD of RentCover, joins Bushy Martin to explain more on Real Estate Talk. Find out more and subscribe to Real Estate Talk. KnowHow Property Finance helps hardworking time-poor professionals build wealth safely and affordably to improve their lifestyle through a unique integration of strategy, finance and national …
Real Estate Talk: How has COVID-19 impacted landlord insurance? Read More »