

Realty Talk: Rethinking long term tenancies

This week on Realty Talk, host and founder of KnowHow Property, Bushy Martin welcomes guests Jo-Anne Oliveri and Amanda Farmer to dive into the topics of rental property investments and the growing cost of owning a property in a Strata development. Enjoy the show!

Realty Talk: Not all buyers agents are the same

This week on Realty Talk, host and founder of KnowHow Property, Bushy Martin welcomes guests Kieran Kannan and Azeem Rahman to discuss all things buyers agents – the myths, the red flags and what savvy buyers should know before engaging one. Enjoy the show!

Realty Talk: How cultural diversity is shaping property

This week on Realty Talk, host and founder of KnowHow Property, Bushy Martin welcomes guests Robert Mandanici and Aman Sethi to take an up-to-date-look at the current and shifting state of Australian property, giving you insights on how to prepare for the future. Enjoy the show!

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