property investors exponential growth jennison

Podcast: Part 1 – Melinda & Scott Jennison on how to unlock exponential impact in property

The most important attribute for property investors isn’t what you think. Melinda and Scott Jennison reveal what REALLY matters.

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The key to building wealth in property isn’t the asset, location, your finance structure or research (although these things still matter!), it is time. 

It is time that unlocks sustainable success. 

So when time is crucial, patience becomes the most important factor for property investors. 

And one of the best ways to leverage time is through the power of partnership. This has been foundational for Melinda and Scott Jennison.

Together their mix of amazing skills and experiences have combined in life and business to build a strong personal property portfolio as well as their dedicated growing buyers agent business Streamline Property Buyers that focusses on Brisbane, so this week we’re going to dig into their personal journey, and then next week we’re going to deep dive into the intricacies of buying property.

Need independent help to find a buyers agent?

Email us at [email protected] with the subject header: Questions to ask before engaging a buyers agent, and we’ll send you a copy of the 37 questions that we ask your potential buyers agent.

Connect with Melinda and Scott


Find your Freedom Formula

Success in property starts with your ‘why’, and then the ‘what’ and ‘how’. Let me, Bushy Martin, lead you through it! Sign up for my Freedom Formula program. The first session is absolutely free, and it only takes around an hour!

Find out more https://bushymartin.com.au/freedom-formula-course

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Podcast produced by Apiro

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