
Realty Talk: Why half sell up in under 5 years

Join host and founder of KnowHow Property Bushy Martin this week on Realty Talk as he chats about the keys to successful investing with this week’s guests John Manciameli and Matthew Aflitto. Enjoy the show!

We start off the episode by turning the spotlight on successful investments, and as we do we uncover the alarming fact that only a very small percentage – 5% or 1 in 20 – property investors achieve sustainable success.   Why? John Manciameli tells Bushy why many investors sell up within 5 years and reveals what separates the best from the rest.

To round off the show, Bushy Martin talks to Matthew Aflitto about the investment opportunities emerging in the commercial property development sector, driven by funding gaps and short falls. 

Find out more and subscribe to Australia’s top online property show Realty Talk (formerly Real Estate Talk) and realty.com.au.

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