
Realty Talk: QLD Rental Crap + Multiple Offer Manipulation

This week on Realty Talk, host and founder of KnowHow Property, Bushy Martin and founder of Realty Talk, Kevin Turner interview guests Nicola McDougall and Cate Bakos. We interrupt our normal schedule this week to zone in on the latest rental saga in the Sunshine State after the QLD premier suggested ‘rental caps.’ Let’s see what our guests have to say…

What potentially disastrous impacts could rental caps have on rental supply, tenants and the state economy generally? Joining Bushy to unpack the QLD premier’s latest ‘brain fart’ suggesting rental caps, is Chair of PIPA Nicola McDougall.

To conclude this week’s episode of Realty Talk, Kevin Turner continues our special series on the art of negotiation with Buyers Agent Cate Bakos. Together they discuss the different methods that agents use when it comes to multiple offers.

Enjoy the show!

Find out more and subscribe to Australia’s top online property show Realty Talk (formerly Real Estate Talk) and realty.com.au.

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