
Realty Talk: QLD rent costs to explode + What to ask a buyers agent + The eye of a boom

This week on Realty Talk Bushy Martin, host and founder of KnowHow Property welcomes guests Nicola McDougall Chair of PIPA and Simon Pressley from Propertyology to discuss some pertinent topics regarding the current Australian property market. Don’t miss this one!

According to the latest PIPA Sentiment Survey, the national rental crisis is about to worsen in the wake of more investors selling up and deserting the market. Nicola McDougall Chair of PIPA joins us to unpack some of the the surprising details and implications.

Simon Pressley from Propertyology is back this week to answer this interesting question: Are we in the eye of the storm of an ongoing property boom?

Bushy Martin also hones in on the topic of Buyers Agents who can have a significant impact on your property experience. How do you distinguish between a great buyer’s agent and an average one? Bushy reveals a set of key questions you should be asking them before engaging their services.

Find out more and subscribe to Australia’s top online property show Realty Talk (formerly Real Estate Talk) and realty.com.au.

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