
Realty Talk: Property Hub Collective Q&A

This week’s episode of Realty Talk features highlights from the Property Hub Q&A webinar earlier this week which includes insights from property experts Bushy Martin, Rasti Vaibhav and Eddie Tchigique. Don’t miss this one!

This week’s spotlight is on key moments extracted from our recent Q&A webinar. In this session, our expert panel comprising Bushy Martin, Rasti Vaibhav, and Eddie Tchigique delves into topics surrounding Western Australia, exploring the potential disparities between investors and owner occupiers. They share insights on the dilemma of pursuing either yield, growth, or a combination of both. Additionally, the discussion extends to the implications if the Labour party reexamines Negative Gearing. The webinar also addresses listener queries regarding data and strategies for enhancing cashflow.

Find out more and subscribe to Australia’s top online property show Realty Talk (formerly Real Estate Talk) and realty.com.au.

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