
Realty Talk: Barriers to growing a portfolio

Join hosts Bushy Martin and Kevin Turner for this week’s episode of Realty Talk as they chat with guests Ray Ellis, Nicola McDougall and Drew Evans about the barriers to growing a portfolio amongst other interesting topics.

During the week we were interested to hear concern expressed about the possibility of an El Nino event occurring.  We were not so surprised at it being raised, but more about the person raising it.   Ray Ellis – CEO for First National Group joins us in today’s show to tell us why a weather event should concern property owners.

Victoria has been named as the worst state in Australia for renters.  That is according to research by the Property Investors Council of Australia and the Property Investment Professionals of Australia.  PIPA’s chairperson joins Bushy to set out the reasons.

Over the last decade, Drew Evans has amassed a property portfolio worth over $25M.  Bushy asks Drew about some of the obstacles he has had to overcome to build to that level.  Get your pens out for that one!

Find out more and subscribe to Australia’s top online property show Realty Talk (formerly Real Estate Talk) and realty.com.au.

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