We need to think about our financial future differently. We need an entirely new approach that enables us to use our progressively increasing financial position to live our best lives now, rather than putting things off to a future date that may never come.
And this is where todays guest introduces us to his unique concept of financial autonomy. Paul Benson tells us all about it and how you can do it.
Paul has been helping Australians achieve their financial goals as a financial planner for over 20 years.
He’s also host of the popular Financial Autonomy podcast centred on an observation that what we all really want in life is choice.
That might be choice as to when we retire, choice as to where we live. Choice on how many hours we put into income producing activity. Or choice in what we do to generate income.
And his podcast lead to publishing his recently released book Financial Autonomy which is helping Paul reach even more Australians achieve their version of Financial Autonomy.
During this conversation, Paul answers all of our key questions, including:
- What is a financial autonomy?
- How do you get the power to make choices?
- How can hard you invest without sacrificing lifestyle?
- He runs through the s components of his proven Financial Autonomy framework
- He gives you a run down on the six different money management approaches and how you can choose one that suits you
- He shares his views on property, shares, stock picking vs index funds, SMSFs, crypto currency and the FIRE Movement
- And more
To help you get started on your financial autonomy journey and to know which pathway best suits you, Paul is kindly offering free access to his unique and simple financial autonomy
Just email [email protected] and we’ll get it organised for you.
Paul is also one of the fellow presenters on the national online Money Debates Summit, so if you’re listening to this before 20 September 2020 you can listen to more of Paul’s gold along with 43 other leading mentors on all things money, including yours truly, for just $11 which is all going to charity. Just go to www.money-debates.heysummit.com/
Listen to the full interview here.
Listen and subscribe to Get Invested via Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
Get Invested is the podcast dedicated to time poor professionals who want to work less and live more. Join Bushy Martin, one of Australia’s top 10 property specialists, as he and his influential guests share know-how on the ways investing in property can unlock the life you always dreamed about and secure your financial future. Remember to subscribe on your favourite podcast player, and if you’re enjoying the show please leave us a review.
Find out more about Get Invested here
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