
Realty Talk: The truth about hidden Strata fees and side-deals

This week on Realty Talk, Veronica Morgan shares how seller advocacy can maximize real estate success, while Amanda Farmer uncovers hidden fees and conflicts of interest in the strata industry. Enjoy the show!

One thing all real estate agents quickly realize when starting their career is that sellers’ biggest concern is the fear of underselling. Some agents might suggest that auctions are the best way to secure the highest price, but is that really true? AJ Chand, a seasoned agent and Director of Proptech Australia, shares his insights on the matter. Later in the conversation, Bushy discusses another hot topic — affordability — with Leanne Pilkington, President of the Real Estate Institute of Australia.

Find out more and subscribe to Australia’s top online property show Realty Talk (formerly Real Estate Talk) and realty.com.au.

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