
Realty Talk: Is ‘off market’ just a hype?

This week on Realty Talk, Bushy Martin and guests Joe Tucker and Kev Tran answer this helpful question: Are ‘off market’ properties just all hype, or are they valuable for buyers and investors? Enjoy the show!

From a technical standpoint, it’s important to note that when working with an agent, the concept of an off-market property doesn’t strictly apply. Even if a property isn’t actively advertised or marketed, if an agent is involved, it must still be officially listed for sale, with the necessary legalities in place for the agent to represent the seller. In today’s discussion, Joe Tucker and Bushy Martin provide valuable insights into properties commonly referred to as off-market, shedding light on how to discover them and whether they truly live up to the buzz.

Find out more and subscribe to Australia’s top online property show Realty Talk (formerly Real Estate Talk) and realty.com.au.

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