australian property market

Media: Coronavirus and the Australian property market

KnowHow founder Bushy Martin shared his views on how COVID-19 is and will continue to impact property in Australia.

Read the articles:


Mirage News

About KnowHow Property Finance:

KnowHow Property Finance helps hardworking time-poor professionals build wealth safely and affordably to improve their lifestyle through a unique integration of strategy, finance and national property facilitation solutions. To date KnowHow has helped more than 1700 investors secure in excess of $700M in property. KnowHow has over $300M in loans under management and their money management systems have saved clients in excess of $10M. 

Founder Bushy Martin is recognised as one of Australia’s Top 10 Property Specialists and Property Finance Mentor of the Year, and is the author of award-winning books The Freedom Formula and Get Invested along with his popular Get Invested podcast. Bushy manages his own growing international property portfolio, and holds a range of qualifications including MBA, Architecture, Project Management, Real Estate and Finance Broking. KnowHow’s mission is to inspire hardworking Aussies to become ‘passive aggressive’ savers and investors to secure their families future.

Find out more about your property finance, investment strategy and wealth creation opportunities. Get in touch.

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