Be the Chief Financial Officer of your Future Self.
Shift the balance to #thepoweroftwo
Be the Chief Financial Officer of your Future Self.
Shift the balance to #thepoweroftwo
Women of Australia

Throughout the years, I discovered there were so many women that did not feel confident or competent
to even start to read the Freedom Formula book.
Interestingly, I found one fundamental difference between the women who were empowered to Get Invested vs those that were not. 

And it came down to #thepoweroftwo.

As women, we often focus on the everyday needs of family and life and look at money in a very immediate way.  There needs to be a shift, with two people in any relationship, there is no letting yourself off the hook.

A recent survey by The Australian Financial Attitudes and Behaviours Tracker 2017 found 46% of females found dealing with money stressful and overwhelming.  It’s no doubt that financial tension has a direct impact on the longevity of relationships. The Greater Bank survey last year showed 42% of relationship breakdowns said finances were a contributing factor. 


Whilst that is staggering. It is important to know as Women we are not alone in feeling the underlying anxiety due to financial stress. 

And let’s not kid ourselves - this feeling has and will continue to have an ongoing effect on our future generations.

It is inevitable.  Whether we like it or not, we will pass on lower levels of financial confidence and understanding of investment concepts, unless we are prepared to take responsibility and step into this space. 

I want Australian women to feel empowered.
I want Australian women to get involved and take control of their own financial future.
To back themselves, no matter what life throws at you. 

By empowering ourselves, we empower the future Women of Australia.
Help me and other Australian Women in the spreading the message with #thepoweroftwo movement.

Monday - August 31 2020, 6pm Fully Booked

Monday - September 14, 2020, 6pm Fully Booked

Monday -  September 28, 2020, 6pm  Fully Booked

In this live session, we will solve your three biggest problems

  • Eliminate fear and avoidance by equipping you with an understanding of finance.
  • How to start, where do I find information, how do I piece it all together.
  • How to I get my partners confidence, help and buy in? #thepoweroftwo

And you will walk away with our

  • Conversation Starter Roadmap
  • Our Living By Design Vault where you will gather and store every single piece of information relating to your life
  • Show Me the Money - 6 Step Plan to fast track you to that elusive $20,000 in 12 months.
By registering for the live session, you will automatically receive our Top #10 Hacks on how to Save Tax
Click here to reserve your place at the next live session

Women by nature we nurture.
Generationally, we are not programmed to feel good about wanting money.
Lets channel our attention to nurture
And move it to a #MoneyMatters mindset.
Making money work for me, not me work for it.
Adopt money as another member of your family.
Nurture, love, respect and invest in it’s future.

Having helped thousands of Australian families to Get Invested and create a Life by Design, not Default. We are super passionate about taking it to another level for the Women of Australia.

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