Tips & Tricks as a Guest
To help get the real you across and best inspire the listeners, I’ve prepared a list of questions I’d like to ask you during the show. These questions are split into five separate sections that, together, will help us to unravel your journey, where you’re going, and your invaluable advice around investing.

Note that these questions are just a template to work from, and our conversation may go in a different direction. However, they’re a good indication as to the sort of topics I’d be interested in covering with you. And finally, here's some Tips & Tricks from some of the world's best podcast shows.
Sample Questions
  • Lets start by Telling us about who you are, what you do and where you are heading?​​​​​​​
  • Why do you do what you do?
  • Lets go back to where it all began and take us through your life journey so far, focusing on what you invested your time and money into when & why – and what did it do for you and others?
  • What life event has brought about your greatest change? How has an apparent failure, set you up for later success?
  • What was the very first thing you invested in?
  • What was the first dollar that you invested? How did it go?
  • Most people invest in work, career or their business and focus on income. Those that achieve freedom also invest in growth assets that replace active work income with more passive income. ​​​​​​​What growth assets do you or will you invest in? When, how and why?​​​​​​​
  • Is property something that you have/would invest in? Why? How? When?
  • What is your dream lifestyle?
  • Does it differ from your current lifestyle?
  • ​​​​​​​What are you going to invest in to bridge the gap?
Specific Questions:
  • What do you believe is the secret to long term sustainable success?
  • Are you Rich or Wealthy? – Being Rich is based on your income but you are only wealthy if you have time on your hands (your income needs don’t need you to create them) If you stopped work today, how long could you sustain your current lifestyle?
  • How important is a team approach to your success?
  • How does the support of your life partner fit into your success?
  • How important are mentors, who are yours and how have they helped you?
The Ambush – Your Bushfire Lightning Round starts now:
  • What is your favourite quote (and why)?
  • What is the top book you recommend (and why)?
  • What is the top thing you have done to pay less tax?
  • What’s the worst & best piece of investment advice you’ve ever received?
  • What’s a personal habit that contributes to your investment success?
Final Questions:
  • What are the best or most worthwhile investments you’ve ever made? Why?
    (Could be an investment of money, time, energy, etc.)
  • If you spoke to a school leaver, what would you advise them to invest their time, money and skills in to create their version of freedom?
Wrap Up:​​​​​​​
  • Looking back on our conversation, What do you believe you really invest in?
  • Whats next, new and exciting for you?
  • Is there any-thing else you would like to close on?
  • How can listeners contact you?
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Jack Henderson was expelled from school but worked and saved hard to secure a property portfolio of over $3 million and growing. He is on track to secure grow his property portfolio to $5 million by the time he is 28 and plans to create a $10 million property asset...

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They say that it doesn’t matter how many times you get knocked down, it is how many times you get back up again that counts. And nobody knows that better than former AFL footballer turned financial advisor Brad Symes. Despite breaking bones, being knocked out,...

Bushy Martin : KNOW:HOW Co-Founder & Chief Start:egist

BArch Hons, Grad Dip PM, MBA, Land Agent RLA 212262,
Grad Dip Financial Services

M : 0419 819 879 | P : 08 8383 6990

E : [email protected] | |

Bushy Martin : KNOW:HOW ​​​​​​​
​​​​​​​Co-Founder & Chief Start:egist

BArch Hons, Grad Dip PM, MBA,
Land Agent RLA 212262,
Grad Dip Financial Services

M : 0419 819 879 | P : 08 8383 6990
E : [email protected] | |
